Sunday, August 19, 2007


here are a few of my favourite photos - in no particular order whatsoever - what, you want order?! - of my choir trip to Prague this july. or, as the germans say, 'Prag'. or as the czechs say, 'Praha'.

my choir, Unichor Duesseldorf, in the university's Carolinum, or auditorium, where we held one of our concerts.

after 3 weeks in bc, i jumped directly into an intensive 6 days of german immersion in a czech speaking land. as you can imagine, i didn't learn much czech.

view of st. wenceslas boulevard.

the prague castle. it's actually a kind of enclosed city with a palace at one end, still in use by the government, and a few huge churches in the centre, plus the old streets and houses of citizens of old.

river view from our evening boat tour.

you just don't find this kind of architecture in vancouver!

'sgraffito' - precursor to today's graffiti. plastering and scraping to achieve two contrasting tones that will last a lot longer than paint.

a closeup of a building in the jewish quarter. there are quite a few synagogues in the area, some dating back to the 1200's, a jewish cemetary and cultural centres.

this was the funniest thing: a walkway so narrow there was actually a walk/do not walk ligth (you can see it in green) on either end of it to avoid one to one confrontations!

part of on open-air sculpture exhibit in the city while we were there.

a dripstone wall. there are frogs and snakes and faces hiding in it.

the small church in velka lhota where we had our killer concert!

our final meal: this was to serve 6. could have served 10.

the ambience. not for vegetarian eyes.

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